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28th Street Crew O Original Mix

Sanitary sewer installation heading north on 28th Avenue from East Old Shakopee Road has been slowed due to some private utility conflicts, but will continue the week of August 9. Another crew will be starting at 82nd Street and 28th Avenue the week of August 9, and will be boring sanitary sewer under the LRT tracks. Eastbound 82nd Street is currently closed from 26th Avenue to 28th Avenue to complete this work.

28th Street Crew O Original Mix


As work progresses south of 90th Street, which is anticipated to occur after Labor Day, northbound Penn Avenue will be closed and detoured. Side street accesses will be closed from Penn Avenue as work progresses. A second crew will continue to work on the north limits of the project near TCF Bank and Chick-Fil-A near 79th Street and Penn Avenue the week of August 23.

The distribution gas main replacement began on April 16 and is concentrated near the intersection of Penn Avenue and American Boulevard for the first couple of weeks, which is different than the original plan of starting near 86th Street. Distribution gas main replacement will continue to head south on Penn Avenue over the next 1-2 months. Lane closures will be utilized on Penn Avenue as work progresses and updates will be given of any side street closures that will be needed as work progresses south. 041b061a72


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