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Prima Doll

The first three episodes will be released in 2023, then the fourth and final episode "Prima Doll: Encore," which tells an after story about the dolls at Kuronekotei, will be available in 2024.

Prima Doll

Prima Doll is an cross media franchise produced by KeyVisualArts with an anime series animated by Bibury Animation Studio, released in the summer of 2022. Set in the aftermath of a massive war, automata once built for war now find new roles in society, in particular a group of five automata known as autonomous mechanical dolls work together in a little cafe Café Kuronekotei, where a they serve up their customers with a smile and work to find their place in a new world of peace.

  • Anachronism Stew: Set in a fictional country that's like Japan and adopts a lot of period aesthetics of the late 19th and early 20th century but with advanced enough robotics to emulate lifelike androids. The official website states that Inaba were made during the sane time as gramophones were, and that they were very popular despite being much more expensive.

  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Haizakura fits the bill to a T. She's certainly cute, and continually messes up even the most basic of tasks, much to Karasuba's exasperation.

  • Cute Mute: Hokiboshi is first introduced as being mute, only able to communicate through writing on pads of paper. She eventually regains the ability to use her voice.

  • Five-Man Band Concert: The dolls of the Kuronekotei not only serve customers with food and drink but they also sing together on stage.

  • Misapplied Phlebotinum: These are all highly realistic, durable creations that all have a special linking ability to boot...who are running a cafe, out of all things. Subverted in that they were originally created for an entirely different job, and that these characteristics were invaluable for that.

  • Missing Mom: Chiyo mentions her when she first meets Haizakura, her mother died.

  • The Mole: Retzel starts off as one but joins the group.

  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Zigzagged. The dolls eyes glow red when linking with other dolls and robots to give commands or see into their memory banks. When Haizakura is first introduced, she links to stop some war machines from rampaging through the city. Haikagura's eyes glow red when she reengages the war machines in the final episodes.

  • Robot Girl: The dolls are stylized to look like cute young girls.

  • Robot Soldier: The dolls themselves served in some capacity in the armed forces, either for recon, combat or simply as morale boosters. There's also the regular bots that were used in combat infantry.

  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: Haizakura has pink hair and is as nice as can be.

  • The Sixth Ranger: The later introduction of a new doll, Haikagura to the group. The episode following her introduction is is fittingly titled, A Momentary Sextet.

  • Theme Naming: Most of the episode names refer to music in some way.

Café Kuronekotei is located in a corner of the 5th ward of the imperial capital. Working there are autonomous dolls, or automata, the epitome of technology originally created as weapons during the great war. After the war, these girls now seek new roles in a time of peace.

Autonomous mechanical dolls, also known as automata, work at Kuronekotei, a coffee shop that sits at the corner of the fifth district of the imperial capital. However, they were originally made as weapons for a great war that ended a few years ago. Now, they have been restored and dressed in shiny kimonos.

In an action at common law to recover from a municipal organization upon a warranty issued by it, when the defendant denies the execution of it, and sets up that it is a forgery, the plaintiff, in order to be entitled to put the instrument in evidence, and thereby make a prima facie case, would be compelled to prove its execution.

by that county during the year 1884, and of which he claimed to be the owner. Barth soon thereafter died, leaving a will, which was proved in February, 1892, and by order of the court in March, 1896, the action was revived in the name of Julia Barth, the appellee, who was the executrix named in the will. She filed in March, 1896, by leave of court, an amended complaint containing forty counts upon as many different warrants, which she alleged had been issued by the board of supervisors of the county on account of debts due from the county, and of which warrants she was the owner, and that the county owed her thereon an amount exceeding seven thousand dollars, for which sum she duly demanded judgment, with interest. A copy of each warrant was annexed to the complaint, and formed part thereof. 041b061a72


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